How Does The DEXA Scanning Method Work?

A medical imaging technique that can help measure the density of a person’s bone is known as a DEXA scan. The results can furnish valuable details about one’s risk for bone loss (osteoporosis) and bone fractures. Moreover, DEXA scanning is instrumental in measuring the composition of an individual’s body, including muscle mass and body fat.

Healthcare professionals measure the quantity of minerals in bones in some particular parts of the skeleton by conducting DEXA scanning. Measuring bone loss is essential for every person as they age. Many regard these scans as bone densitometry.

Osteopenia: What is It?           

Medical experts refer to lower bone mass as osteopenia. A lot of people who are active and slim have significantly low bone mass. However, this does not imply that they are more vulnerable to osteoporosis. Many sportspersons and athletes worldwide have low bone mass. However, their bones are strong and healthy. DEXA scanning for osteoporosis detection is the most reliable method.

Working Process of DEXA Scanning

The accurate measurement of specific bones’ (wrist, spine or hip) mineral content is possible through DEXA scanning. Here’s how it functions:

  1. A healthcare professional will tell you to lie down on a specific table for a DEXA X-ray. The expert will guide you on how to position your body properly and utilise positioning elements, which include foam blocks that are ideal for holding the exact position.
  2. The DEXA tool arm will pass over your body during the scanning process. Two distinct X-ray beams utilise radiation in a meagre amount to ensure safety.
  3. The scanner deciphers the bone thickness estimation information into pictures and charts. Bone is generally found in white, while the fat and muscle tissue seem to be shadows behind the scenes on the technologist’s PC screen.
  4. A radiologist reviews and interprets the DEXA scan results.
  5. At last, you receive a copy of the interpreted report that highlights the treatment appropriate for you.

Make sure you select the right clinic to undergo the DEXA scanning process. It is essential to opt for a DEXA scan if you are above 50 to learn about the condition of your bone clearly.