Atherosclerosis is a complicated disease. It happens when plaque builds up in the arteries and makes them narrow and hard. It is a big problem when it comes to heart health. Luckily, there are a lot of different types of therapy that can help with this problem. Allopathic (traditional medicine) and unconventional herbal treatments are both available They help fight atherosclerosis. This piece will talk about all of them. Some people may be able to improve their quality of life with these treatments. It can happen with Allopathic Treatment Options:
In allopathic medicine, there are many drugs. They are available to treat Atherosclerosis. A lot of people use statins to lower their cholesterol. Blood clots are less likely to happen if you take aspirin or other antiplatelet drugs. Blood pressure medicines are also an option to control high blood pressure.
Angioplasty and Putting in a Stent
Angioplasty and stent placement are invasive treatments. They can open vessels in blockage. To make the artery wider, a tube with a balloon is there. To keep the artery open, a stent may be put in.
Surgery to bypass a coronary artery
When several coronary arteries are badly blocked, CABG surgery is one vital option. To get blood to the heart again, a healthy blood vessel is taken from another part of the body. It is used to go around the blocked artery.
Choices for herbal treatments:
Bok Choy
Garlic has the ability to drop blood pressure and cholesterol. It has a chemical called allicin in it that is thought to be good for the heart. Adding garlic to your food or taking garlic pills might help.
Hawthorn tree
Herbs like hawthorn are essential to help keep the heart healthy. It might help open up blood arteries, make blood move better, and lower blood pressure. People who want to get the benefits of hawthorn can buy vitamins.
Ground turmeric
Curcumin is the main ingredient in turmeric. It can help lower inflammation and may also help keep plaque from building up in your arteries. You can add turmeric to food or take it by itself.
Using both allopathic and herbal methods together
A lot of people choose to use both allopathic and herbal treatments. They are effective to deal with atherosclerosis. This combined method can give you the benefits of standard medicine. At the same time using herbal treatments to make your heart health even better. But you should talk to your doctor before starting any plant products. That is because they can mix with drugs or cause side affects.
Changes in lifestyle
No matter what kind of medicine is there, changes to one’s habits are very important for controlling atherosclerosis. A diet full of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats is good for your heart. They can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Regular exercise makes the heart stronger. It improves the health of the circulatory system as a whole. Quitting smoking is very important because it makes atherosclerosis worse. Techniques for dealing with stress, like yoga or meditation, can also be helpful.
In conclusion
Lastly, Allopathic and herbal treatments are both available for atherosclerosis. So each person can choose the method that best fits their wants and tastes. Using these methods along with making changes to your living can greatly improve your heart health. It can lower your risk of problems. Talk to your doctor or nurse before starting any new treatment to make sure it fits your specific needs.